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Under The Rug: The Violence Powerful Women Face

Everyone knows, in theory, how difficult it is to be a woman⏤especially a leading woman. However, not everyone understands the arbitrary basis for our discrimination, sexualization, and abasement. This whole issue comes from a long structural history, full of disrespect stemming from an oppressive society against women.

Nevertheless, women in power fear the patriarchy more and more nowadays. Before, oppressors were not used to being confronted by women and girls⏤they were used to controlling th

Heartstopper: Redefining love for the queer community

It is common for literary works to expand and be adapted into audiovisual projects. But usually, in these cases, fans’ opinions split, with one (usually loud) group professing that the adaption was unfaithful to the original book. Fortunately, Heartstopper, a show based on a comic-book story sequence, was not one of these cases—Instead, it became a title admired by both literary critics and the general public.

The series tells the story of an LGBTQIA+ romance between the characters Charlie Spri

Take a trip down Queer memory lane: The Stonewall Riots and the origin of pride

Take a trip down Queer memory lane: The Stonewall Riots and the origin of pride

Many people recognize the importance of the LQBTQIA+ struggle, and that June is the month named Pride Month for the queer community. And even though there are other dates as important as this in other months of the year, June 28 is marked as a symbol of the fight for the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community around the world.

This date has the main purpose of raising awareness of the importance of combating homophobia f

Plano Marshall: plano que salvou a economia da Europa | Politize!

Tenho certeza que você já ouviu falar da Segunda Guerra Mundial. A grande expansão territorial dos nazistas e toda a imposição racista e antissemita que aconteceu durante quase 6 anos. Agora, você imagina como ficou a situação mundial dos países envolvidos no conflito após a Segunda Guerra? E o que o Plano Marshall tem a ver na reestruturação desses países?

O pós-guerra foi devastador para os países europeus. Nunca antes um vencedor de uma grande guerra havia ficado tão desgastado e a maior pre

Japan court upholds constitutional ban on gay marriage — What now?

On June 20th, a Japanese court ruled that the prohibition of same-sex marriage is constitutional , representing a setback for LGBTQIA+ rights activists in the only G7 country that does not allow homosexual marriage. In March 2021, a court in the city of Sapporo ruled that it was unconstitutional not to allow same-sex marriage, indicating that these rights would soon be granted. The new, contradictory decision diminishes activists' hopes of increasing pressure on the Japanese government to resolv

An entire North Carolina police department resigned after a black woman was named town manager

After Justine Jones was named city manager, the entire Kenly, North Carolina police force resigned. Some residents say the move was motivated because "they don't want to be led by someone black."

Justine Jones was named city manager for Kenly after a national search of 30 candidates, according to a from the city. She began work on June 2nd and had previously worked for local governments in Virginia, Minnesota, and South Carolina.

The mass resignation took place on July 20th, with participants

Educação Sexual: definição e visões ao redor do assunto | Politize!

Por mais que, recentemente, tenham acontecido discussões ao redor do tema, a Educação Sexual ainda é um assunto censurado e muitas vezes considerado tabu no meio social, sendo totalmente desconhecido pelas pessoas. No Brasil, o assunto tomou bastante repercussão por conta da série Sex Education, lançada pela Netflix, que enfatizou a importância de falar sobre esse tópico, e também, por conta das polêmicas que ocorreram nas Eleições presidenciais de 2018.

Veja também: Acessibilidade e o direito

União Homoafetiva: entenda a definição e a legislação | Politize!

A LGBTfobia é um problema grave na nossa sociedade que acarreta diversos obstáculos na garantia dos direitos das pessoas LQBTQIA+, o que ocasiona uma censura constante em frente à existência dessa comunidade não apenas no Brasil, mas no mundo.

Portanto, em prol da desconstrução desse estigma, no texto de hoje a Politize! te explica sobre a União Homoafetiva, um assunto repleto de polêmicas e tabus e que gera algumas dúvidas em relação aos direitos e deveres de uma família constituída por pessoa